田中-永峰 良佑
/ Ryosuke Nagamine -Tanaka
Over the Ocean
[2016] video 1H25min

沖縄 の「コザ」と呼ばれる町に約2ヶ月滞在しながら制作した映像作品。
沖縄 には日本にある米軍基地の約74%があるという。沖縄の地図を見てみれば、その島のどれだけ多くの
「おかしい」事だと僕は思う。そしてその歴史や政治は、紛れも無く、日本人 の犯してきた責任であり、日本人 として生きてきた僕自身の責任でもある。
49年間店を構えているタコス屋「OCEAN」を訪れ、入り浸り、その店長 屋良 靖さんと、
日本人 として、わかりあえないものとして、わかりあえるかもしれないものとして、とにかく、
This work is a documentary film I made in Koza, Okinawa,
I was staying there for 2 months for an important political problem.
Okinawa is not the big island, but about 74% of the US military base in Japan is in Okinawa.
That is obvious discrimination by the government of Japan.
Koza is a town which was occupied by the United States until 1972.
and Koza flourished by the U.S. forces during the Vietnam War.
However, the city becomes less prosperous now.
OCEAN is the oldest restaurant in the Koza.
I met various people who come to the Ocean. and of cause people have various opinions to US military bases and Japan. And then they were singing a song everynight.
so, I tried to keep listening to it. Although I didn't know what I can do for that big problem.