田中-永峰 良佑
/ Ryosuke Nagamine -Tanaka
Heart of my heart
大館•北秋田芸術祭 2014 -里に犬、山に熊- 出品作品
Odate & Kitaakita Arts Festivel2014
“A Dog in the Village ,A Bear in the Mountain"
video 27min 20s

大館市で生まれた ”忠犬ハチ公” の
The AKITA dog ”Hachi” is a famous dog in all over the world.
Hachi is called " faithful dog - Hachi”.
But, Hachi was used for propaganda of
a Second World War by the Japanese government

Folte, Do you like your owner?

Folte,Do you have some discontent?
So, I asked the owner of a dog to act their dogs .
"Please become your dog"
I questioned about relationships between owner and dog to these dogs .

I don't want to sleep with my owner.

I feel pain Because my owner yells at me often.

Thank you so much for loving me every time.

Take, You could die for your owner?
why do I have to help her!

Yes,I can die for my owner
I can die for my owner if my owner die with me.